Monday, April 29, 2013

Career/Hobby Exploration Day

Just before we took off to New Mexico (write-up in the works!), Bob and myself (Shane) had the fantastic opportunity to visit with some great kids at Vern Patrick Elementary school to talk about our addiction....errr...hobby of cycling.

Bob garnered some ooohs and aaahs showing off with a wheelie!

We gave a short presentation, talking about how cycling has given us many memorable experiences, ranging from the exciting new places we've travelled to, the great people we have met along the way and why we started up the Trinity Bikes Cycling Team.

After this short talk, we got to partake in the REAL fun, Q & A! There were about 55 little ones that had fantastic questions about the team, our bikes, racing and even why we wear tight stretchy clothes!

Autograph session!

We had an absolute blast as we got to cap off the day signing some mini posters for the kids! Huge thanks to Marisol at Vern Patrick who organized this great chance to share our love of cycling!

-Shane Johnson

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