Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Clif Bar Photoshoot

This post is far overdue, but better late than never. Back in February I was asked to come out and be an extra for a Clif Bar photo/video shoot that was being produced here in central Oregon. The shoot was for a short video that features various Clif Bar sponsored athletes doing their thing. Some of the sports that they were covering included: skiing, climbing, running, surfing, road and mountain biking.

I was asked to come out and help with the road bike portion of the shoot featuring Clif Bar’s pro
cyclocrosser Troy Wells. I really did not know what to expect for this shoot because it was a pretty short notice phone call saying “meet us at this spot at so and so time ready to ride, we will feed you and pay you for the day”. Sounded like a no brainer to me. So I met the crew out on Hwy 97 at the turnoff to Antelope in the morning. I was happy to see a couple of familiar faces from Bend had also shown up to be a part of the shoot. I was surprised to see how big of a production this was. There were about 5 Camera men, a handful of people from Clif Bar, and a couple of folks from a New York ad agency that were running the show.

After some introductions the cameras started rolling as we put on our gear and unloaded our bikes. Once we were all suited up we stuffed our pockets full of the endless supply of Clif Bar product and headed out on our bikes toward Antelope. We rode along as the camera men filmed us from the vehicles and sides of the road. I had never ridden on that road before and I will definitely be going back considering it was some of the most buttery asphalt that I had ever ridden in Central Oregon, not to mention the awesome rolling hills and great views.

When we showed up in downtown Antelope a number of the town’s people came out to see what we were up to. There was one guy who cracked us up when he brought out his Huffy that he had pimped out with a motorcycle gas tank strapped to it and a phony exhaust coming out the back. He would proceed to ring a cowbell and cheer every time we rode by his little house and even offered to make us a pot of coffee and hang out inside. We must have been the biggest thing to happen in Antelope since the early 80’s when the Rajneesh cult overthrew the town for a few years.

We proceeded to do some more filming and photos on the ride back to the cars and were greeted at the finish with hot coffee to warm us up. We then loaded up and the crew took us out to lunch where I devoured a bacon cheeseburger and fries. I was pretty pumped to have gotten the chance to get paid to ride my bike as well as receive the “pro” treatment for a day. That is something I could definitely get used to.

On a side note I was not the only Trinity Bikes team member to be involved with the Clif Bar shoot. David Allen was invited out to the Ski shoot where he slashed up the mountain and sent it for the Cameras. Below is the final video, some good little shots of checkers are in there!

Ian Eglitis

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