Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spring Thaw

It was 5 o’ clock in the morning of race day. As everyone was waking up and I was the host of this party, I got breakfast together for everyone. On the menu for this morning was a BIG pot of oatmeal and I mean big pot. I haven’t made oatmeal for more than one person in a while so I thought I was making it according to the directions ummm ya. NO!! I over made the oatmeal. We also had some bananas and milk. It was a filling meal before the race. We all got ready for the race and got loaded up.

We (Austin, Jessica, Bob, and I (Brian)) were on our way to Ashland, Oregon for the Spring Thaw XC race. We arrived in Ashland and parked where I (Brian) thought the race began but, I was wrong. So we drove up a little farther to get closer to registration. We unloaded our bikes, checked our tire pressure, got our riding gear on and proceed up the hill to registration. Registration was still a long ways away from the car. We all got registered and rode back to the cars. Let me tell you, it was a chilly morning before the race. We put our bags in the car and stood in the sun to warm up before we needed to get our legs and minds ready for the race.

Brian in the car while Austin stretches.

9:00 o’clock rolled around, which meant Jessica’s race (CAT 3 racers) was about to start. The gun went off and the race began. The CAT 3 racers had a short and furious 6.7 mile race. She did an awesome job and killed it with a first place finish - my oatmeal fuels champions.

Bob and Austin getting their game
faces on.....or did they see a pretty lady??

Next to go at the starting line were the big boys - the Pros and CAT 1's were ready to go tear up the trails. Bob and Austin’s were racing in the CAT 1's and their race was 24.5 miles long.

Austin and Bob starting off Spring Thaw XC 2012.
9:45 rolled around and it was the start time for my category, the CAT 2's. When the gun goes off, the fun begins. We started with a 7 mile uphill climb to a fire road that side hills Mt Ashland. After we got onto the fire road, we still had 9 miles before we got to hit up the downhill. I was trying to gain positions, so I was drafting off as many racers I could. I was doing great! I was going back and forth with a racer on the fire road and that was fun as it made me push harder to get in front of her. Then there was this little hill we hit that slowed her down and I poured on the gas to pull away from her. I kept on the gas and after a while, I looked back and she was way back there. Yea you guys are probably thinking I was battling back and forth with a girl but I will tell you what, she was good alright! After miles went by, I just knew Four Corners was coming up. That is where the downhill begins and it was in my sights. I looked back and noticed there was two racers coming up fast so, I had to pour on the gas once again to lose them on the downhill.

I reached Four Corners and the fun began. I started on the downhill and the first section was super rocky but, my Marin Nail Trail 29er handled it like a pro, with my Continental Race King tires hooking up wonderfully. So I got past that section and kept on the gas. I saw another racer in front of me and that is like a carrot in front of a rabbit and I went after it. I was railing the corners and mobbing the trails as fast as I could handle. As I was getting down and out of the trail called Upper Caterpillar I saw a racer behind me. I don’t like it when another racer passes me so, I poured on the gas and was telling myself that he doesn’t have the endurance like I do. I kept him far behind me. Then came into Lower Caterpillar and saw another racer in front of me so I tried and caught up to him to put a racer between the guy behind me and myself. I kept on pushing my limits and kept my pedals spinning. By this time, the trails are flying by and the race is almost over. As I was going down the last trail called BTI, I noticed that a racer was right on my tail. I kept racing smart and was looking where I wanted to go. I got a little squirly on the downhill, but I kept the rubber side down. As the racer and I were going down BTI, I was hitting some of the little jumps they have on the trail. Let me give you some details on BTI trail, this is a downhill trail that cross country racers are going down so there were some jumps on the trail that you couldn’t go around. Ok with that little detail back to my awesome race, as I was keeping it pinned and floating over some of the jumps he was still on my tail.  We hit another fire road that ties us into the finishing stretch. A left hand turn was coming up and another racer in front of me was going to hit the turn at the same time as myself. The racer (Britney Wimberly) took the outside line and I hugged the inside line. When I exited that corner, I stood up and mashed the pedals. One more corner that is gravel and I was telling myself to hit this smoothly and mash again. I hit the corner perfectly and then got back on the pedals and sprinted to the finish. As I was sprinting, I saw the tire of the racer who had been chasing me, on my right side and I pushed even harder. I let out a big roar and poured all I had left and crossed the finish line. What a great race and a fun one to add. After the race I clapped hands with the guy behind me and congratulated him for nice racing.

Brian walking with his nephew.

The race was over, so I went down to see my sister, mom and my nephew who had come out to watch the race. I talked to them for a bit, then we all headed back to the car to get my meal ticket and to get some of my Max Muscle recovery drink in me. It was a fun walk back with my family. My Nephew found a stick and we were hitting trees, leafs and sign poles. Well it was a long walk back to the car but, the little man, my sister, mom and I made it back. I got refueled and then they went back home.

I rode back up to the finish line and as I was, I saw that girl I was battling with. We chatted a little bit on our way to the top to grab some food. I found Bob, Jessica and Austin and we hung out a little bit before they had to hit the road back to Redmond, Oregon. It was that time again, we all had to say our 'good byes' and 'see you at the next race' talk.

Wow what an awesome and fun filled day. Until the next blog, have fun, enjoy life and have fun on your bikes. Oh, and don’t forget to keep the rubber side down ;)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Eugene Roubaix

      A lot has been happening with the team these past few weeks so I'm just now getting a chance to tell you about my debut road race with Mr. Sean Lewis a couple of weeks ago. Early on a Saturday morning not two weeks ago Sean and I woke up earlier than I knew existed and headed for greener pastures. At 5:45 am Sean rolled up to my house, we loaded up my bike and gear and somewhat reluctantly drove ourselves in the direction of Eugene, where we would soon be participating in the Eugene Roubaix. It's called the "Eugene Roubaix" because much like the famous "Paris Roubaix" it is really scary and hard. Each lap of the course has a 1.5 mile section of gravel road that was to be navigated on a road bike, in close quarters (my front tire was generally 6-12 inches behind the rear tire of the person in front of me) at around 20 mph.
     Don't let me forget, on the way over the pass we got a flat tire. Luckily Sean is extremely prepared at all times and had a full size spare tire waiting eagerly to be put to use. After a quick change over we were back on our way, hoping that the day only held one flat tire for us.
     Upon arrival we suited up (changed in the front seat), signed in and started our warm-up. The weather was warming up, the sun was out and the months of rain in the valley had actually paid off and left only beautiful green plants and bright flowers in it's wake.
     The first lap of the race was at an easy pace and Sean and I were working to find our place in the peloton and learn a little bit about road racing while we went. The group stuck together for the first lap and a half until we hit the gravel a second time. At the gravel the group would spread out into a long single file line of 20-30 riders trying to stay in the narrow hard packed section. About halfway through the gravel one rider cramped up and slowed dramatically, causing the last 8 or so riders to get dropped from the main group. Unfortunately Sean and I were in this back group and were dropped by the leaders. After about half a lap of trying to catch up I sat in and pedalled by myself until I was able to pair up with another rider. For the remainder of the race (1.5 laps or so) he and I exchanged pulls in an attempt to keep our pride. We were able to finish 14th and 15th place, Sean had made a pit stop at the finish line with one lap to go and came in a few minutes behind us in 17th.
     At the end of the day we were happy with the results. A lot of learning took place and it was a great day of training for our upcoming mountain bike races! Thanks for reading and check back next week to read about the Cascade Chainbreaker!

-Cory Tanler